2015-11-15 07:30:23 UTC
The Sybase Central returns following response:
dbunload -v -c "UID=DBA;PWD=sql;DBF=/home/user/sa16_samples/sqlanywhere/ddd.db" -an "/opt/sqlanywhere16/new_ddd.db" -ap 4096 -ea None -ii
SQL Anywhere Unload Utility Version
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Invalid user ID or password
But dba and sql is correct, because successfully works in SQL Anywhere 9.
dbunload -v -c "UID=DBA;PWD=sql;DBF=/home/user/sa16_samples/sqlanywhere/ddd.db" -an "/opt/sqlanywhere16/new_ddd.db" -ap 4096 -ea None -ii
SQL Anywhere Unload Utility Version
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Invalid user ID or password
But dba and sql is correct, because successfully works in SQL Anywhere 9.