Drop trigger with a trigger
(too old to reply)
2010-09-02 04:05:14 UTC
is it possible to drop a trigger with an other trigger or
even the calling trigger drops it selfs on SA 9?
Any hints will be appreciated.
You could try triggering a database event from the trigger that does the
actual drop of the trigger(s); maybe after a brief pause to allow the trigger
to complete execution and cleanup.

Krisztián Pintér
2010-09-02 08:14:42 UTC
is it possible to drop a trigger with an other trigger or
even the calling trigger drops it selfs on SA 9?
any sort of dynamic schema change is a bad smell. there must be a
better solution.

without knowing more about the situation, i suggest you keep the
triggers fixed, and inside the triggers, decide if you must do
things or not.

let's have an example. we want to create a run-once trigger. on
some condition, we need to mark a table "sensitive" to changes,
but we need action only once, for the first change. you can set
up a table like trigger_action_needed, with one column table_name
of type varchar(128). then in the trigger, you write

if not exists (select * from trigger_action_needed where table_name =
'this_table') then
end if;
... do stuff
delete from trigger_action_needed where table_name = 'this_table';

moral of the story: during normal operations, keep the schema fixed,
and rely on data modifications only.
