I was debugging a C# app with sybase anywhere 11 db using ado.net. the app executes a number of stored procedure via command.executeNonQuery. each executes is wraaped in a database module's single member. all are using one single connection. howeve
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2012-06-20 08:31:29 UTC
I was debugging a C# app with sybase anywhere 11 db using ado.net.

the app executes a number of stored procedure via command.executeNonQuery. each executes is wraaped in a database module's single member.

all are using one single connection. however each member does check the connection state maing sure teh connection is opened before execute.

Also at end of each c# member, the connection is closed in the finally clause.
the probem area I ran into is the part the pre-create a master table entry via a SP (m). upon execution I I did find the corresponding entry in isql. however the subsequent part of the App fails to see the entry when using the Sp D which does abort on not finding the needed master Table entry.

So out of curiosity and partly desperation, I manually commit in the isql then set the debug to start the command.ExecuteNonQuery() again
unfortunately I get the Commit table not found exception message

I understand if I do not create a transaction, the sql anywhere .net dataprovider operates in autocommit mode, right?
2012-06-20 16:35:51 UTC
please ignore this thread entirely. I foudn the culprit - late night symptoms. not catching errors that should have never made.