Can I open a v9 db with sqlanywhere 12? Other questions
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2011-05-20 23:12:02 UTC
I need to work with a sybase 9 database. They sent me a .db and a .log
file. I work more with sql server, and if I had a mdf and a ldf I'd
attach them to get the db to function. I installed sqlanywhere 12 and
was hoping to see some kind of "attach" choice offered by the ide but
couldn't find one. Can someone point me to it?

I gather that I'd need to upgrade the v 9 file to a later version before
I could open it in sqlanywhere 12. Is that more or less a painless
process? If it's hard I have both sqlanywhere 10 and 9. I'm working on a
64 bit box now and my old sqlanywhere 9 is 32 bit only, and I can't find
a download location for x64 sqlanywhere 9. Would it be simpler to use
sqlanywhere 10, or 12, on this v 9 db?

All I need to do is to link to the data via odbc. For that I do need to
'mount' the db, ie attach it, to a sqlanywhere instance, right? I can't
just tap the data via odbc?
2011-05-23 08:24:51 UTC
You have to convert the database.
Version 10 was the only version where you are no able to load a older
Database File with a actual Server engin.
You should be able to run the Convert with the 64bit Version. There is
no difference between 32bit and 64bit in the DB File.

You can Unload/Reload the Database with Sybase Central

2011-05-24 03:01:28 UTC
In article <9d08f697-7f84-44df-b144-9105b8b0f0a6
@l30g2000vbn.googlegroups.com>, ***@googlemail.com says...
Post by tduemesnil
You have to convert the database.
Version 10 was the only version where you are no able to load a older
Database File with a actual Server engin.
You should be able to run the Convert with the 64bit Version. There is
no difference between 32bit and 64bit in the DB File.
You can Unload/Reload the Database with Sybase Central
Thanks for this input, it does help.

Any chance of getting a step by step on this? I have a chicken and egg
scenario, it seems. In Sybase Central 12, both options Migrate Database
and Upgrade Database won't work unless I'm already connected to the db.
You said "Convert" but between the two options Migrate and Update I am
not sure which it is.

I can't find any info on Reloading a db or Loading it (from the db and
log files I have) using Sybase Central...so effectively I can't do
anything. I know there is a way.
2012-11-27 13:22:16 UTC
yes you can,first unload from sybase central 12 then reload..here is step by step-http://fundapass.blogspot.com/2012/11/migrating-from-sybase-9-to-sybase-12.html