Post by unknownthank you Joshua for your comment but really do not know
what to look for that Sybase would need in VMWARE.
Remember that SQL Anywhere is an application on top of the OS/machine.
We do not perform any kind of real system tuning outside of gathering
some system specifications to be reflected inside of our query
optimizer. (This is in regards to how long an average I/O takes, how
many processors, etc.)
Everything else (I/O calls, requests to the OS, etc). will be kept the
same in both instances, using POSIX-compliant calls.
I can think of four broad categories that affect how we will operate:
- Does the "real" hardware have more CPUs available to it?
- Are the VMs configured to share hardware CPUs or do they have their
affinity set by ESX?
- Memory
- Does the "real" hardware have more memory available to it?
- Can the total system memory be re-allocated to give our server more
- Disk
- What kind of disk are they using? What ESX device driver are they
(Hint: You might be able to more accurately reflect the I/O cost of
accessing the VMWare disk by using the SQL statement: "ALTER DATABASE
CALIBRATE SERVER" -;pt=30296/*#X
- Network
- What card/network device driver are they using?
Is the overall system slow, or is it just us? If you execute the same
queries on the host, are the queries running "fast" or are they still
really slow there as well?
Outside of those tips / tricks, the customer might want to have an ESX
consultant on-site to help them determine the correct setup and where
the system bottlenecks are. There are VMware performance monitoring
tools, but I've only ever seen the outputs of those tools - I don't have
any experience on where they are or how to use them.
Jeff Albion, Sybase iAnywhere
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